
A free informational resource to empower your mental health from Authentic Change Therapy. For more hands on and personalized support, please schedule a consultation today.

You Should Combat Your People-Pleasing Ways: Here’s Why

You Should Combat Your People-Pleasing Ways: Here’s Why

Have you ever asked yourself what people-pleasing is and how does if affect me?People-pleasing is a common trait that many individuals possess. It involves placing the needs and wants of others above your own in order to gain approval or avoid conflict. While it may...

Tips for Making Time For Self-Care

Tips for Making Time For Self-Care

If you need help making time for self-care, read further for some great advice.Self-care is a phrase that’s thrown around a lot these days, but what is it really? Well, it’s paying attention and tending to your physical and mental health. It is also a big part of...

Recognizing Signs of Burnout & How to Beat Exhaustion

Recognizing Signs of Burnout & How to Beat Exhaustion

If you are looking to learn for signs of burnout, you are in the right spot. Overworking your mind and body is not sustainable. We’re not designed to be pushed to the crazy limits we set for ourselves. If you consistently experience high levels of stress without...

Overcome Perfectionism Using The 80/20 Rule

Overcome Perfectionism Using The 80/20 Rule

Learning how to overcome perfectionism is essential to managing the difficulties that comes with being a perfectionist.If a genie granted you a wish and said you could make your life perfect, I guarantee you that even after that wish was granted, you would still find...

How To View Failure As A Win

How To View Failure As A Win

If you're wondering how to deal with failure, you are in the right place.Failure is part of life. It may seem horrible at the time, especially if we’ve failed at something we worked so hard for. But it’s where we grow the most. Yes, you pushed yourself and it didn’t...

How To Set & Maintain Better Boundaries

How To Set & Maintain Better Boundaries

If you're wondering how to set boundaries, you are in the right place. People-pleasing is common. Most of us want to make our friends and loved ones happy, right? We want to please them. Even if they take us away from the things that are important to us, their...

Methods for Easing Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Methods for Easing Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Everyone feels anxious from time to time. It’s that feeling of uncertainty about what’s going to happen next, whether that’s in the next few minutes, days, or months. That’s completely normal.  But it’s important to know that if this feeling of anxiety sticks around...

Navigating Unseen Needs With “Invisible Illness”

Navigating Unseen Needs With “Invisible Illness”

With most illnesses, the symptoms are quite apparent. Friends, family and even strangers can generally notice that someone is sick. However, anywhere from 4 - 26 million Americans suffer from a chronic illness that is invisible to most - and they’re known as...

Relationships After Abuse

Relationships After Abuse

WhaLooking for romance after leaving an abusive one can be challenging in many different ways. For starters, you may have no idea what a healthy relationship looks like. Emotional connection may also be difficult. You may feel completely lost and perhaps broken.  But...

Benefits of Journaling for Depression

Benefits of Journaling for Depression

As a young child or teenager, you may have kept a diary to confess your hardships and heartbreaks. It gave you a space to be open with your feelings without the fear of judgment. Releasing those feelings through your pen and into your diary would take the weight of...

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Authentic Change Therapy





Office Location

7710 Carondelet Ave #513

Clayton, MO 63105

Hours and Telehealth


Missouri and Illinois


M-F 10 AM-6 PM