Is it More than the Baby Blues? Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

Is it More than the Baby Blues? Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

A lot of things change after childbirth. You are sleeping less, your hormones are still regulating, your body is recovering from 9 months of pregnancy and then the trauma of labor…so of course you’re going to feel tired and sad and irritable sometimes. So maybe you...
Therapist-Approved Self-Care Tips for High-Achievers

Therapist-Approved Self-Care Tips for High-Achievers

While ambition is admirable, it can also lead to burnout and neglect of one’s own well-being. Self-care isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity, especially for those who constantly push themselves.  If you’re a high-achiever seeking a balanced and...
The Power of Presence: Mastering the Art of Active Listening

The Power of Presence: Mastering the Art of Active Listening

Communication lies at the heart of every human interaction. It’s not just about speaking; it’s also about the art of listening. In a world buzzing with distractions and quick exchanges, active listening has become a rare and invaluable skill.  It goes...
The Undiscussed Cost: How People Pleasing Leads to Burnout

The Undiscussed Cost: How People Pleasing Leads to Burnout

People pleasers often find themselves caught in a cycle of prioritizing others’ needs and desires over their own. While this might seem selfless, it can gradually erode their sense of self and well-being. Constantly seeking validation from external sources can...
The Common Link: How Shame Fuels Perfectionism

The Common Link: How Shame Fuels Perfectionism

In a world where societal standards and expectations often dictate our behaviors and attitudes, the pursuit of perfectionism has become an all too familiar challenge. Many of us strive tirelessly to meet impossibly high standards, believing that flawless performance...