If you need help making time for self-care, read further for some great advice.
Self-care is a phrase that’s thrown around a lot these days, but what is it really? Well, it’s paying attention and tending to your physical and mental health. It is also a big part of treatment for many physical and mental health disorders.

It’s so, so important.

But for many hard-working people, it often drops to the bottom of the priority list, which is a huge problem. You cannot take on the world if you do not take care of yourself first. 

You cannot pour from an empty cup. So here are some quick and easy ways to keep yourself nourished.

Making Time for Self-Care:

  • Get quiet – Even for 2 minutes. Silence relieves stress and tension.
  • Go outside – Even if it’s just standing outside your door in the rain for a moment. Reconnecting with nature can help lift depression, improve energy, and boost overall well-being and mental health. 
  • Have a laugh – One good thing about the avalanche of information available to us with the click of a mouse is that we can find funny stuff fast. Turn on Netflix. Watch some funny videos. Get your giggle on, it feels good. 
  • Breathe deeply – It’s free and you’ll feel the benefits immediately.
  • Journal – Think of it as a way to work through the noise and reconnect to your essential self. To make it more fun, bust out the colored markers. You’re never too old to color.
  • Make time – Your hobbies are important. Your friendships are important. Your interests are important. Keep yourself nourished by allowing yourself to stay true to who you are

Making time for yourself is so important. YOU matter. If you forget to self-care, it becomes easy for life’s stresses to take over and leave no room for anything else. Self-care should be part of your daily routine – like your morning meetings. You should get a reminder on your calendar to watch a funny video or to go for a walk in the park while listening to your favorite podcast. 

Make the time. You need to.

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Missouri and Illinois


M-F 10 AM-6 PM